
Teaching 1 Timothy: From Text to Message is unavailable, but you can change that!

Timothy from Lystra was known as the “son” of Paul the Apostle, and as his apprentice, was to learn the ways of the faith from him. Timothy was later sent to Ephesus to serve as Paul’s representative. The Ephesians had lost their focus on the message of the Gospel; they were materialistic and their lives were marked by ungodly living. Timothy’s task was to call them back to the cross, to remind...

are keen to find a reference to Christ at 2:15, the parallel with 4:16 indicates that Paul is perfectly happy to speak of Christians working out their salvation and therefore there is no compulsion to find a reference to the birth of Christ in this verse. So what is the alternative? On the face of it, it looks as though Paul is saying that the normal way down the ages for women to exercise a godly life pleasing to God is within a family setting, which implies bearing and raising children—as long
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